HALOWIN (The Secret to Naturally Glowing Skin)
Background: Held an Education on HALOWIN (Secrets of Natural Glowing Skin) many people face various skin problems such as acne, dull skin, hyperpigmentation, and premature aging. In an attempt to address these issues, many individuals tend to use commercial skincare products that often contain chemicals and preservatives. While such products may provide immediate results, long-term use may pose the risk of side effects and even worsen skin conditions. Objective: To increase students' knowledge about natural skin care and socialize natural skin care methods. Methods: Face-to-face counseling was conducted with lectures and questions and answers. In addition, the team conducted tutorials on the use of natural skin care with aloe vera and tea ingredients conducted by students. The activity lasted for 120 minutes involving 66 participants of SMK Sasmita Jaya 1 South Tangerang City. Results: what has been achieved in this activity is the increasing knowledge of students about good skin care for the skin using natural ingredients that are easily available.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52031/jam.v5i1.782
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