Sheila Meitania Utami, Nanang Yunarto, Ahmad Sopian, Sayyidah Sayyidah, Eria Yuniarti, Feti Fabela


Lotion is a cosmetic preparation of the class of emollients with more water content that is moisturizing, does not feel oily and easy to use. One of the herbs that can be formulated as a lotion preparation is the leaves of kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) because it contains flavonoid compounds as well as antioxidant activity so it is able to protect skin cells from damage caused by excessive free radicals. The study aims to determine the antioxidant activity of the lotion preparation that contains leaf extract of kersen and is physically stable. Kersen leaf extract is maserated using 96% ethanol solvent and made lotion preparation with concentration variations of formulation I 2.5% (FI), formulation II 5% (FII) and formulation III 10% (FIII). A four-week physical evaluation of the preparation, including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreadibility, viscosity and cycling test, showed that the three formulations were stable with no changes in the organoleptic and homogenity test, there was a change in the pH value but not significant as well as an increase in the area of a bar power but still in accordance with the requirements, and there was no significant change of the flow properties of the viscosity. The antioxidant activity was tested using the DPPH method (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) with an IC50 of 58.35 ppm (FI) for strong and 46.83 ppm (FII) and 42.36 ppm (FIII) for very strong. The conclusion is that FIII with a 10% concentration of kerosene leaf extract has the highest antioxidant activity that belongs to is very strong with an IC50 value of 42.36 ppm as well as the best physical stability.


Keywords : Antioxidant, Cycling Test, Lotion, Muntingia calabura, Physical Stability


Antioxidan;Cycling Test;Lotion;Muntingia calabura;Physical Stability

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