Ayu Werawati, Andriyani Rahmah Fahriati, Dewi Indah Kurniawati, Nurmiwiyati Nurmiwiyati, Aulia Nadya Rizki Imansari, Laras Tri Saputri, Bheta Sari Dewi, Wahyu Bachtiar, Anissa Utami, Tyssa Mariyana, Alfa Michael Gabriel Koraag, Debi Susanti, Rahma Dwi Syukrini, Nenden Nurhasanah


Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen to the body's tissues. Being busy of learning activities carried out by students of the Bima Az-Zahra Foundation makes them forget the importance of knowing what anemia is and how to prevent anemia. The purpose of this Community Service is to provide education about anemia and how to prevent anemia so that students can improve their food consumption patterns to be diverse, nutritious, balanced and safe, as a preventive measure for anemia problems in adolescent girls at the Bima Az-Zahra Foundation. The activities carried out use the lecture method and presentation of material related to anemia and how to overcome it. Through the implementation of community service activities at the Bima Az Zahra Foundation Bintaro, it can be concluded that this activity can increase the knowledge of students about anemia and how to overcome it.


Anemia; Prevention; Bima Az Zahra Foundation

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